Sending HTML email with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf

Sending an email from the backend application part is a quite common use case in the world of enterprise applications. Although HTML content isn’t standardized message format, numerous mail clients support at least a subset of the markup language. In this post you will learn how to send an HTML email using Spring Boot standard modules and prepare an HTML content for a message using Thymeleaf template engine.

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Faster Spring Boot startup

As software developers, we always look for opportunities to improve our efficiency at work and optimize repeatable activities. One of them is application startup. Even if you cover your production code with unit tests and follow TDD, from time to time checking how the whole application works is inevitable. The more often you run it, the more time is wasted on waiting until the application is ready to operate.

Although the fast restart provided by Spring Boot DevTools is helpful for library class loading, it doesn’t solve the issue with the long startup of your own application code. From this post you will learn how to decrease the total number of coffee breaks in daily work by configuring faster Spring Boot startup in your local development environment.

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Spring Cloud basic setup tutorial

Spring Cloud solves common problems of distributed systems. However, for someone who works only with widely known monolith applications jumping into the long list of patterns designed for distributed services might be quite overwhelming at the very beginning. This article will take you through the basics of Spring Cloud by taking a practical approach. After finishing, not only should you know how to start a project based on Spring Cloud, but also understand why all steps are required and what problems they solve.

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Multiple TTL caches in Spring Boot

Spring Framework provides a comprehensive abstraction for common caching scenarios without coupling to any of supported cache implementations. However, declaration of expiration time for a particular storage is not a part of this abstraction. If we want to set Time To Live of a cache, the configuration of the chosen cache provider must be tuned. From this post you will learn how to prepare setup for several Caffeine caches with different TTL configurations.

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Dual jar/war build for Spring Boot

The great thing about Spring Boot is no need for an external servlet container. All that is needed reside inside a single runnable JAR file. In a very few steps, development of a new application can be started without installation or configuration of any additional software.

Yet, sometimes you might want to deploy your application to some server as a regular WAR file. For instance, you convert an existing application and want to keep your continuous delivery pipe untouched or a particular container is enforced by a company’s policy. The reason for building a WAR file may vary across teams, but for development purpose a simple executable JAR file with an embedded server might be preferable.

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SharePoint Web Services, Spring, and NTLM authentication

SharePoint is widely known among .NET developers, but not so recognized in the group of JVM worshippers. Yet, sometimes integration between these two universes is required and one of possible choices to perform the connection is the set of SOAP web services exposed by the platform. It this article you’ll learn how to communicate your Spring application with a SharePoint instance.

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