HTTP cache with Spring examples

Caching is a powerful feature of the HTTP protocol but for some reason, it’s mainly considered for static resources like images, CSS stylesheets, or JavaScript files. However, HTTP caching isn’t limited to application’s assets as you can also use it for dynamically computed resources.

With a small amount of work, you can speed up your application and improve the overall user experience. In this article, you will learn how to use the built-in HTTP response cache mechanism for Spring controller’s results.

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Multiple TTL caches in Spring Boot

Spring Framework provides a comprehensive abstraction for common caching scenarios without coupling to any of supported cache implementations. However, declaration of expiration time for a particular storage is not a part of this abstraction. If we want to set Time To Live of a cache, the configuration of the chosen cache provider must be tuned. From this post you will learn how to prepare setup for several Caffeine caches with different TTL configurations.

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