Multiple TTL caches in Spring Boot

Spring Framework provides a comprehensive abstraction for common caching scenarios without coupling to any of supported cache implementations. However, declaration of expiration time for a particular storage is not a part of this abstraction. If we want to set Time To Live of a cache, the configuration of the chosen cache provider must be tuned. From this post you will learn how to prepare setup for several Caffeine caches with different TTL configurations.

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Dual jar/war build for Spring Boot

The great thing about Spring Boot is no need for an external servlet container. All that is needed reside inside a single runnable JAR file. In a very few steps, development of a new application can be started without installation or configuration of any additional software.

Yet, sometimes you might want to deploy your application to some server as a regular WAR file. For instance, you convert an existing application and want to keep your continuous delivery pipe untouched or a particular container is enforced by a company’s policy. The reason for building a WAR file may vary across teams, but for development purpose a simple executable JAR file with an embedded server might be preferable.

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